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12 Best Reddit Apps for Android


by Danica Simic

Don’t miss the virals on the Internet with these top free Reddit Apps.

best Reddit apps

Reddit.com is an enormous website where people discuss virtually every topic on the earth, each under their respective threads. You absolutely need to use a smartphone app to keep track of the topics you are interested in. However, dozens of Reddit apps are available, and you should choose a good Reddit mobile reader based on your reading habits. Keep in mind, all of these news apps serve one purpose, so their basic functionality will remain the same across the board.

That means reliability and funky new features are more likely to play a larger part than usual for savvy users. Those areas, along with graphical tweaks and themes, could be the difference-maker for most when finding the perfect app. Without further ado, here are our picks for the best Reddit apps for mobiles…

What is the best Reddit app?

Want to ensure you never miss a great meme, crazy cat video, or what’s the trend? Let’s check out the 10 best reddit app to browse through your favorite subreddits. Users can also use these apps to access Reddit Gold subscription.


Price: Free with ads

Reddit is Fun or Rif has been long around as a popular Reddit browser for years. It is lightweight and simple to wrap your head around due to the clean UI and its overall setup. As a bonus, you will also get split-screen tablet support to go along with a widget for your home screen. While the latter may sound minor, it’s not if you want instant access to the site. Everyone loves a good widget.

Want to keep your eyes fresh late into the night? That will not be a problem with Dark Mode, and we know moderators will appreciate their set of built-in tools as well. Rif is free to download but does have ads.

Infinity for Reddit

Price: Free

Infinity for Reddit is a really minimal and sleek looking reddit client on mobile right now. The app comes with multi-account support, a dark theme, and various options like the comment on threads, view your profile and subscriptions, and all other things you can do on reddit. It also has both downloads and uploads sections.

Infinity Reddit client for mobile

Infinity is a very polished app that offers advanced features and the ability to customize the app with many themes or interface, turn on gestures to go back from comments to the main section, or turn on autoplay for video. Another nifty thing is “Lazy Mode,” where it auto-scrolls through subreddits for you to have a quick look until you find an interesting topic. It’s actually hard to believe how food a free reddit app can be. So be sure to check it out!


Price: Free / Offers IAP

Slide is also one of the best Reddit clients for android that is no slouch for fun features. This particular Reddit app is all about good design and customization to set things up the way you would like by assigning specific colors to your subreddits. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, considering you are also getting 7 themes, 12 accent colors, and 144 primaries to play with.

While Slide for Reddit is easily the most colorful Reddit app on our list, it is also full of fine features. Impressively, the app even syncs your subreddits automatically for offline browsing. It’s a free Reddit app to download, but features like ad-blocking (for sites) and paging Shadowbox are only available in the Pro version.


Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP

BaconReader is a fan favorite on our best Reddit apps list. BaconReader for Reddit has a legion of fans and sports a wide array of features that ensure a pleasant browsing experience. A solid app considering it is from the same developers behind TweetCaster, OneLouder Apps.

Among many features, the ability to upload images in your comments, multiple themes, and a split-screen mode for tablets or large smartphones. Moderators and readers both group will find everything they need with BaconReader free, and there is a Pro version available that will kill the ads for $1.99.

Official Reddit app

Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP
Official Reddit app for android

This one was easy! Reddit: The Official App is the common way to get news fed straight from the minds behind the site. That said, it performs just fine to keep you in the loop on trending topics across the world. If you’ve thought about anything, there is probably a subreddit for it. Whether you want to look at funny gifs or hilarious memes for hours or harass your frienemies about their favorite films, you can do it all from the official Reddit app, and you will do it in style.

Sync for reddit

Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP

Synch is an excellent Reddit browser with all the usual bells & whistles. The UI follows google’s material design guideline and is certainly one of the better-looking reddit apps to make the cut. It does not lack in the feature department either with support for all the popular image formats along with a built-in image gallery, support for gesture navigation, an advanced submissions editor, and a lot more. For those who want a scroller reddit app, the snappy swipe-based setup makes it easy to go next or previous posts effortlessly.

An additional and interesting perk for some is that the Sync for Reddit app is optimized for the /r/soccer sub. If you enjoy football games, then it’s a must-have reddit app.


Price: Free
[removed] for reddit

Removed is an interesting reddit app for users who love to get into the detail of a post by scanning through all the comments. And a lot of comments usually get removed by the moderators. However, you can easily recover all those deleted comments by copying the link and pasting it into the app. The entirely free app is meant for power users and, most of the time, works like a charm.

Relay for reddit

Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP

If you want a clean interface that is easy on the eyes and with more options than should legally be allowed, you will appreciate Relay for Reddit. Along with the basic functionality, it also sports several smooth themes and features like advanced comment navigation. Ever dig through a thread with 900 comments? If so, you will definitely be thankful for this feature.

Additionally, “Spoiler Alert” works surprisingly well if you are a fan of movies and TV shows. Relay for Reddit is free but ad-supported although you can zap those ads with an in-app purchase.


Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP
Boost reddit android app

Design is a funny thing as what one may feel is stunning; a dozen others may disagree. There are exceptions to the rule, however, and one of them is Boost for Reddit. It has all the usual features you look for from a great Reddit app but with far more themes and tools at your disposal. You should find a look you like right away but can customize things to fit your needs better.

Boost comes with 70 accent colors and a slick AMOLED theme. As usual, split-screen mode, media filters, and mod tools are all there. This one is free with ads but well worth the $2.99 price tag to unlock more goodies.


Price: Free
RedReader app

RedReader from QuantumBadger is a heavily underrated reddit app but it is simple to use and of particular interest to a certain crowd. The bare minimum app is actually open-source so that you can pick up the code on GitHub for improving. Even if coding or developing an app isn’t your thing, you’ll find plenty of features to appreciate image pre-caching, advanced-cache management, and multiple account support.

RedReader has everything you need to browse your favorite subs on the biggest social needs site. It’s also 100% free of ads thanks to its open-source nature.


Price: Free with ads/ Offers IAP
Glance reddit app

Glance for Reddit is heavily inspired by Instagram as the look and feel almost identical. But instead of seeing photos posted by your friends, you can view the images from your subscriptions on subreddits. It’s an app for users who are more visuals prone and wants to scroll through their feed quickly. You can long-press on images to see the post title and read comments. Glance also great for uploading new content, search through subreddits, and browse content, including videos.


Price: Free

Relay is another well-crafted Reddit app with a ton of features. The card-based interface is great for readability. Besides, it offers inline media previews, subreddit filters, spoiler alerts, and customization features, including custom notification settings. The app also includes moderator features and supports more than one account.


Price: Free
AmoledBackgrounds for reddit

This is a bonus app in our list of best reddit app. r/AmoledBackgrounds is one of the most popular subreddit on reddit that is an excellent source for high-quality wallpapers as users share their findings and artist often share their creations for feedback. The app pulls the popular AMOLED HD wallpapers and organizes them in a nice way so you can pick the one you like. Users can also set wallpaper directly from the app and even schedule to change it daily with the new wallpaper. Overall, it’s a sleek app to make your home screen look awesome.

While we couldn’t touch on all the awesome Reddit readers available on Google Play, these apps will cover most users’ needs on a day-to-day basis. A few can perform certain “tricks” better than others, but the basic functions like searching and browsing will generally remain the same.

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Danica Simic is an aspiring data scientist and software engineer who enjoys writing technical articles and informational content using her academic knowledge. She also loves reviewing different products, especially gadgets and gizmos, as well as writing concise guides and tutorials.

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